Need help starting, or expanding a business? Have concerns about the community of Eureka? Want to see something change?
The Eureka Chamber & Development is here to assist!
We have multiple resources we can reach out to within the government and private sector to help solve any problem you might have. Call (605) 284-2130 or email or visit our office at 707 G Ave. between Mon.- Fri. 9am - 12pm. After hours call: 605-230-1777/605-284-2648, or 507-421-3349
Our Small Business Loan Application can be found below. If you would like to be considered for ECDC's Revolving Loan Fund, fill it out and return it by email to: or mail to: PO Box 134, Eureka, SD 57437.
Our Resource Providers
(At least, some of them)Our Resource Providers

For more information on Eureka Community Development's loan policiescontact our office at 605-284-2130 or