Health Services
Physicians and Clinics
Dr. Susan Ostrowski
Eureka Medical Clinic - (605) 284-2621
Avera Eureka Community Health Services - (605) 284-2661
Assisted Living - (605) 284-2661
Physical Therapy - (605) 284-2661
Occupational Therapy - (605) 284-2661
Eureka Home and Public Health Care Services
Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30 - (605) 284-2661
Services provided:
Child health assessments, Homecare services, Blood pressures, Immunizations, Injections, Flu shots, Hemoglobin, Blood sugar, TB (Mantaux) skin tests, Hearing screening, Vision screening, Skilled and non-skilled office services
Nursing Home
Avera Eureka Health Care Center (605) 284-2145
"Ask a Nurse"
Eureka Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Jeff Wolff
Dr. Mark Bledsoe
(605) 284-2385
Vision care and Ophthalmology Associates
Dr. Craig Dockter
(605) 284-2391
Child and Family Services Office
Eureka (200 J Ave.): (605) 284-2661
Leola (in the courthouse): (605) 439-3519
Services provided: WIC program - a nutrition education program for women, infants, and children; Nutrition Education and Counseling; Breastfeeding; Healthy foods based on individual needs; Referrals; Immunizations, School Screenings